Cafs Home Page

Information & Program eligibility

This pages outlines information and program eligibility criteria for Cafs services.

Family Support Programs

Cafs Children’s Contact Service

– Current service area – LGA’s include Ballarat, Central Goldfields, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool, Ararat, Pyrenees and Southern Wimmera. If there is a need the service area also covers Stawell and Horsham (please consult with Client Engagement).

– Parents, grandparents, other carers who voluntarily enter the program and are committed to our values to provide a child–focused service.

– Additional eligibility criteria may apply, please call Client Engagement if you would like to consult about this.


Dad’s Tool Kit

– Current Service area – LGA’s include Ballarat, Moorabool, Hepburn, Golden plains, Pyrenees and Ararat.

– Will accept any dad or person in a dad type role, who would like to be in a group setting to work on their parenting or strengthen relationships.


Early Help

– Current service area – LGA’s include Ararat, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Pyrenees Hepburn and Moorabool.

– Anyone wanting to undertake parenting support in a group setting.


Family Relationship Counselling

– Current service area – Alfredton, Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat North, Ballarat South, Ballarat, Buninyong, Delacombe, Wendouree, Miners Rest, Creswick, Daylesford and Ballan.

– Individuals (18+ years)

– Parents & children (min age 5)

– Couples

– Families

– Any relationship work with a young person under the age of 18 years needs to be completed together with a parent/ carer

– An additional eligibility criteria may apply, please call Client Engagement if you would like to consult about this.


Post Separation Cooperative Parenting Program

– Current service area – LGA’s include Ararat, Ballarat, Brimbank, Central Goldfields, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Melton, Moorabool, Pyrenees and Southern Wimmera.

– Anyone who is willing to commit to the program and participate in a group setting


Financial and Gambling Support Programs 

Gambler’s Help

– Current Service Area- LGA’s include Ballarat, Golden Plains, Pyreness, Hepburn, Moorabool, Ararat, Northern Grampians, Horsham, West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiak and Central Goldfields.

– Anyone who gambles.

– Anyone impacted by gambling.

– Anyone requesting self-exclusion or revocation of self-exclusion.


Financial Counselling

– Current service area – LGA’s include Moorabool, Hepburn, Golden plains, Ballarat, Ararat and Pyrenees.

– Experiencing payment difficulties with any loans, utilities or any other bills or debts and require assistance to access hardship provisions and advocacy with creditors.

– Experiencing debts due to Family Violence or gambling harm

– May be able to assist with contractual/insurance disputes (please call Client Engagement to consult regarding eligibility)

– When Gambling is an issue financial counselling can also be provided to the additional service areas – LGA’s include Northern Grampians, Horsham, West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack and Central Goldfields.

Housing Support Programs


Housing – Entry Point

– Current service area includes Hepburn and Moorabool

– Homeless or at risk of homelessness, sleeping rough or nowhere to sleep tonight.

– Private tenancy at risk due to rental arrears

– People needing assistance with bond loan or rent in advance to establish a new private tenancy (eligibility criteria will apply)


Housing – Tenancy Advocacy and Advice Program (TAAP)

– Current service areas – LGA’s include Ararat, Pyrenees, Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool and Golden Plains.

– Lives in private rental and needs advocacy or advice regarding Notice To Vacate (NTV), VCAT hearing or Order of Possession, urgent repairs, or where the property doesn’t meet minimum standards (refer to Consumer Affairs Victoria’s website , rental arrears where the tenancy is at risk

– Must have financial disadvantage or have experienced family violence


Housing – Tenancy Plus (TP)

– Current service area – LGA’s include Ararat, Pyrenees, Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool and Golden Plains

– Lives in public or community housing

– Need assistance to establish, sustain or support their tenancy

– Transfer applications


Housing – Aboriginal Tenancies at Risk (ATAR)

– Current service area – LGA’s include Ararat, Pyrenees, Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool, Golden Plains, West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiak, Horsham and Northern Grampians.

– Anyone in the household that identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

– Lives in public or community housing

– Need assistance to establish, sustain or support their tenancy

– Transfer applications


Housing – Creating Connections

– Current service area includes Hepburn and Moorabool

– Aged between 16-25

– Homeless or at risk of homelessness

– Willing to engage in employment, education and life skill development.


Family Violence Intervention Programs

Men’s Behaviour Change

– Current Service Area – LGA’s include Ararat, Pyrenees, Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool and Golden Plains.

– Age 18+

– Will accept all referrals where a man is willing to engage

– Clients mandated to complete this program need to contact the Family Violence team at Cafs on 5337 3333.


Family Violence Case Management – Housing

– Current Service Area – LGA’s include Ararat, Pyrenees, Ballarat, Hepburn, Moorabool and Golden Plains

– Men who have used family violence and have been excluded from the home due to Police involvement or IVO

– Men not in the family home due to use of family violence



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