Cafs Home Page


Cafs is a proudly independent community service organisation we value your feedback. Please fill out the form below and let us know more about your experience with Cafs.

Feedback and Complaints

Cafs needs this information at a minimum, for your feedback to be helpful. All feedback is treated confidentially and will only be seen by people who need to see it in order to respond accordingly. We will make all reasonable attempts to advise you of the outcome, or outcomes of your complaint. Additionally, we will advise you of external bodies to which you can forward your complaint if you are not happy with the outcome of Cafs’ feedback and complaints process. These include:


Victorian Ombudsman

P: 03 9613 6222

E: ombudvic@ombudsman.vic.gov.au

W: www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au


Department of  Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)

P: 1300 884 706

Online Form

W: https://www.dffh.vic.gov.au/making-complaint


Disability Services Commissioner

P: 1800 677 342 (Free call from landlines)

E: complaints@odsc.vic.gov.au

W: www.odsc.vic.gov.au


Privacy Commissioner

P: 1300 666 444

E: enquiries@privacy.vic.gov.au

W: https://www.vic.gov.au/privacy-vicgovau

Commission for Children and Young People

P: 1300 782 978

E: contact@ccyp.vic.gov.au

W: https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/

For more information, read our feedback and complaints policy

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