fostering process
How do I become a Foster Carer?
Let us know you’re interested. We’ll have a chat, step you through some of the basics of what’s involved in becoming a Foster Carer and provide you with more information.

The next step is to formally register your interest in becoming a Foster Carer. A member of our team will visit you in your home, provide you with an application pack and discuss the application process in detail with you, answering any questions you may have.

All Foster Carers are required to undertake a two day Shared Lives training course. The training is held at Cafs and usually takes place over two consecutive Saturdays. Once you become a Cafs Foster Carer, we deliver a second round of one on one training.

Next is the Step By Step four-part assessment that includes all members of a prospective Carer’s household.During this process, we’ll explore your motivation to become a Foster Carer, assess your ability to work in a team and make sure you can provide a child with an emotionally and physically safe and stable home environment. These are all key factors that will determine your suitability to become a Foster Carer.

You’re officially a Cafs Foster Carer – welcome to the team!Once you’re approved as a Foster Carer, you’ll be asked to sign a Code of Conduct. You will now also need to complete part two of the Shared Lives training package. And of course, you will receive ongoing supervision and support from the Cafs Foster Care team. And you will be encouraged to attend ongoing training that enhances your caring skills.