help for families
Every year, Cafs helps nearly 7,000 individuals and families across the Grampians and Central Highlands. We work in partnership with you and your family to give you the support you need to make informed decisions. Our programs are specifically designed to meet the needs of our local community.

Early Help Program
Cafs can now provide Early Intervention support provided on location at selected primary schools and kindergartens.

Men’s Support
Cafs’ work with men who use family violence underscores our commitment to child safety. It provides us with a valuable opportunity to support women and children to live free from violence.

Family Support
At Cafs, supporting families is at heart if everything we do. Our Family Support Services cover a wide range of programs designed for families at all stages of life. We understand that every family is different, and we tailor our programs to your individual needs.nce.

Thread Together
New clothes can mean the world to a person in need – it can help them get a new job, keep their children warm, or refill their wardrobe after fleeing family violence with nothing. Cafs’ Thread Together clothing hub gives people in need that security by providing brand-new clothing donated by Australian retailers.